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PCB transformer

PCB transformer refers to the transformer located on the printed circuit board. The transformer used for printed circuit boards has to be compact, and because of this, the transformer does not have a complex cooling mechanism. Sometimes it has to be incorporated into other transformer designs.


PCB transformer refers to the transformer located on the printed circuit board. The transformer used for printed circuit boards has to be compact, and because of this, the transformer does not have a complex cooling mechanism. Sometimes it has to be incorporated into other transformer designs.

These transformers are usually rated for maximum and minimum temperatures; they can be operated at this rating. As long as it is kept within this temperature range, the transformer can provide reliable service, because it is a transformer, it can provide continuous service for decades.

Installation Method of PCB transformer

There are two main ways of PCB transformer installation: surface installation and through-hole installation.


There are no pins or other components penetrating the printed circuit board in the surface-mounted PCB transformer. This makes it possible for a more compact design. Over the years, surface mounted components have become a common part of printed circuit boards. Because of its more compact design, this method is usually preferred to install various electronic components on printed circuit boards. However, this is not always the case. Removing any computer or other electronic equipment is likely to see that most of the components of the device have been installed on the surface of the circuit board, and wireless or other objects pass through.

Through-hole mounting method

The transformer installed in the through-hole on the printed circuit board is equipped with a connector through the circuit board. This makes it possible to use multilayer printed circuit boards and other applications. In general, the through-hole mounting method is a less compact and more outdated method for mounting components on printed circuit boards than directly mounted on the surface. For some applications and specific components, it is still the best method to install on a printed circuit board. However, you will find that the vast majority of transformer components on printed circuit boards are surface mounted. For old equipment, a printed circuit board with a large number of through-hole mounting components can be seen after it is disassembled.

pcb transformer

Woking frequency

The maximum working frequency of the PCB transformer is usually measured in Hertz, and the maximum frequency is defined. Under this frequency, the transformer can operate safely and obtain the required output parameters.

The minimum operating frequency specification is attached to the PCB transformer. Operating the transformer at a lower frequency may result in unexpected results and may cause actual damage to components.


Woking temperature

Every electronic component has a minimum operating temperature. On PCB transformers, this value may be relevant because transformers installed on industrial or other equipment may operate near or below the minimum temperature. Below the minimum operating temperature, the performance of the transformer cannot be guaranteed.

All transformers generate a certain amount of heat, and the maximum temperature of the PCB transformer limits the hottest condition under which the transformer can be operated. Exceeding this value can cause faults, circuit damage, and other problems. Because printed circuit board transformers do not have liquid cooling or other complex cooling methods, engineers must keep in mind the maximum operating temperature.

Application of PCB transformer

PCB transformers are used in a variety of applications. In the computer hardware, the transformer can gradually reduce the voltage to a safe level, making it indispensable. It is also used in various production processes and other consumer devices that require transformers. Compared with a large transformer, PCB transformer can save a lot of money and space in the design.